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Black History Month: Celebrating Black Artists
Mes de la Historia Afroamericana
2025-02-01 00:00:002025-02-01 23:59:00America/New_YorkBlack History Month: Celebrating Black ArtistsCreate your own masterpieces inspired by Black artists. Available all day, everyday during the month of February. Carnegie Library -
Saturday, February 01 All day
Add to Calendar2025-02-01 00:00:002025-02-01 23:59:00America/New_YorkBlack History Month: Celebrating Black ArtistsCreate your own masterpieces inspired by Black artists. Available all day, everyday during the month of February. Carnegie Library -
Join us for a Valentine's Day scavenger hunt! Find all the hidden books located around the library! Once you locate all the books, go to the librarian for a prize! Available all day, everyday during the month of February.
For teens in grades 6-12. Become the hero in your own epic tale! Join our gaming expert, Michael to slay dragons, outwit villains, and craft legendary adventures - no experience needed, just bring your imagination and he'll guide you through the rest! This program is designed for teens to attend independently.